Latino Homeownership is Important to Housing Market
Headlines about the nation’s housing market have focused on the low homeownership rate, currently stalled at 63%, compared to a high in 2001 of more than 73%. Yet, little attention…
Raising Minimum Wage Is Essential for Working People
Like millions of people in this country, we know what it is like to make the minimum wage and struggle every day to cover the basics: putting a roof over…
This is a Budget That is Immoral
The Trump budget introduced on May 23rd, constitutes a massive transfer of wealth from working families, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor to the top one percent….
States Investing in Renewables Reap the Rewards
When you’re in a hole, it’s usually best to stop digging. But when President Trump told supporters at his 100th day rally in Pennsylvania that “we are putting our coal…
Mexican Farmers School Trump on Trade
Often, when world powers pick fights with seemingly powerless countries, they learn that even small dogs have sharp teeth — as President Trump is finding out in his ill-fated war…
Trump’s Tax Plan: Trickle Down Devastation
You’re not a single mother. You have a spouse or a partner. You don’t have kids, or if you do, you’re raising them in a two-parent, two-income household. I’m happy…
What Our Grandchildren Will Do When the Jobs Are Gone?
The jobs reports would have us believe our rebound from the recession is almost complete. The reality is very different, and The Economist has some fancy words for it: “Job polarisation,” where…
Working Together, Reversing Economic Trends
“Hopefully this will be the start of reversing some trends, both economic and cultural, that have been around for way too long.” These were the concluding words of President Obama…
Prison Labor is Slavery, Just by Another Name
Right now there’s a national movement mobilizing to raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour. But imagine if instead of earning even that much, you could only earn a few cents an hour. If …