• September 27th, 2024
  • Friday, 10:02:35 AM

Denver International Airport Features Photography by Recipients of Corneal Transplants

Denver International Airport’s latest photography exhibition, “Circle of Light Photo Project,” will be on view from September, 2024 through mid-February, 2025. (Photo: DEN)


Posted September 26, 2024


Denver International Airport’s (DEN) latest photography exhibition, “Circle of Light Photo Project,” will be on view from September, 2024 through mid-February, 2025. The project features photos from recipients of corneal transplants through the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank (RMLEB). The exhibit can be found on the Y-Juncture, on Concourse A just beyond bridge security.



“Circle of Light Photo Project” is a collection of photographs taken by people whose sight was restored through corneal transplants. The project educates the public about the impact that eye donation has on the lives of our community members. Corneal transplant recipients show the world the things they can now see by participating in this important project.


“We exist to restore hope where hope may have been lost,” RMLEB Executive Director John Lohmeier said. “’Circle of Light Photo Project’ shares the hope restored in people who can now see, thanks to the generosity of an eye donor.”


The Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank was founded by the Lions of Colorado and Wyoming in 1982. RMLEB’s mission is to fulfill the wishes of eye donors and their families to help another overcome blindness through translations and research. Their dedication to this mission allows nearly 2,500 eye tissue donors in Colorado and Wyoming to provide for thousands of sight-restorative transplants each year.


Photographers whose work is featured in this year’s Circle of Light Photo Project: Art Gomez, Bill Fehringer, Dana Henderson, Dean Allman, Jan Hepp-Struck, Jacob Degoey, Jim Rook, Kelly Tamblyn, Mary Ann Fox, Patricia Badolato, Tammy Kluiber, Tyler Mudd, and Wanda Steadham


Click the link to learn more about the Circle of Light Photo Project | Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank (corneas.org).