• March 10th, 2025
  • Monday, 02:05:22 AM

New Mexico Legislature Faces Urgent Calls to Further Address Climate Change

A coalition of environmental, social justice, and conservation advocates from 25 organizations across New Mexico are looking forward to climate change legislation. (Photo: AdobeStock)


Posted January 30, 2025


A coalition of environmental, social justice, and conservation advocates from 25 organizations across New Mexico expressed their strong support on Monday for Senate Pro Tem Mimi Stewart’s suite of bills that will take action on climate change: the Clear Horizons Act, the Community Benefits Fund, and the Innovation in Government Act. The Clear Horizons Act was heard in the Senate Conservation Committee on January 28 and passed through its’ first committee on a 5-4 vote.


The 2024 Conservation in the West poll found that 59% of New Mexicans consider climate change a very or extremely serious issue. This is unsurprising given the various ways climate change impacts New Mexicans, including more severe wildfires and floods, extended droughts that limit water supplies, and more extreme weather events and heat. In fact, 183 out of 221—83%— of Governor Lujan Grisham’s 2024 executive orders were related to emergency funding to address the impacts of climate change. In addition, Governor Lujan Grisham called on the legislature to codify in state law the goal of net zero emissions by 2050 this session in her State of the State speech on the opening day of the legislature.


“Right now, we’re helping to lead a national energy transition. We’re cleaning up our communities, reducing our carbon footprint, and making good on our commitment to reduce emissions. In fact, let’s make this the session in which the goal of net zero emissions by 2050 becomes the law of the land,” Governor Lujan Grisham said.


-The Clear Horizons Act, Senate Bill 4, would create a regulatory framework that aligns state and industry pollution goals, paving the way for New Mexico to build a more innovative and sustainable economy. Greenhouse gas emission reduction targets exist in Governor Lujan Grisham’s executive order 2019-003 and will serve New Mexico in the long-term when codified in law.


-The Community Benefits Fund, Senate Bills 48 and 49, would invest $340 million in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by climate change, providing resources for renewable energy projects, energy efficiency upgrades, and other projects that reduce carbon pollution.


-The Innovation in Government Fund, Senate Bill 83, would provide $10 million in funding to state agencies to support efforts to reduce carbon emissions.


“Pro Tem Stewart’s bills are bold and necessary steps forward in addressing the climate crisis and the direct impacts, such as more severe wildfires, extreme heat and drought, that communities are already experiencing,” says Ona Porter, MA, Founder Emerita and Clean Energy Leader, Prosperity Works. “We are already paying for the impacts of climate change. These bills ensure that we address the root causes of climate change while simultaneously investing in a cleaner, healthier future for all New Mexicans.”


“New Mexicans want to keep our state beautiful, protect our cherished ways of life, and create new opportunities statewide for our families now and in the future. The Clear Horizons Act, Community Benefit Fund, and Innovation in Government Act will help our environment, our economy, and our communities for generations to come, and I urge my fellow legislators to join me in supporting these bills.” says Senate Pro-Tem Mimi Stewart.


The coalition of advocates from 25 organizations supporting Pro Tem Stewart’s bills include: 350 New Mexico, Center for Civic Policy, Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy, Coalition of Sustainable Communities New Mexico, Conservation Voters New Mexico, E2 – Environmental Entrepreneurs, Earthworks, Environmental Defense Fund, GreenLatinos, GRID Alternatives, Healthy Climate New Mexico, Moms Clean Air Force New Mexico chapter, Natural Resources Defense Council, New Mexico & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light, NM Native Vote, NMVC Action Fund, ProgressNow New Mexico, Prosperity Works, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter, Sovereign Energy, SWEEP (Southwest Energy Efficiency Project), the Semilla Project, Western Environmental Law Center, Western Leaders Network, and Western Resource Advocates.